Free Manuals Database

Welcome to one of the biggest manual databases on the internet. We have everything from Acer to Zanussi, and you’re sure to find the manual you’re looking for, even if it’s not the newest product.


Welcome to one of the biggest manual databases on the internet. We have everything from Acer to Zanussi, and you’re sure to find the manual you’re looking for, even if it’s not the newest product.

It’s just as simple as typing in the name of the product that you want to find the manual for in the search box and hitting enter – you’ll be presented search results in order of relevance.

Can’t find the manual you’re looking for? Contact us and our team will see if we can find it and add it to our database.


12,000 Categories
1.7M Manuals
5,200 Brands
5TB Storage size

Over 5000 Brand

Easily access thousands of critical user manuals.

Your user manuals are the guide to your investments. You want your investments to last for years to come, and the information found within your user manuals are the key to your success. However, it’s easy to lose a user manual in the fray of day-to-day life. Many find that they collect piles of user manuals over the years, never fully knowing how to get the most out of them. Until, one day, you’re attempting to use a product, but it’s been a while. You need a specific piece of information that isn’t available to you. That is, of course, until you check the About Manual database. Suddenly, a whole new world of information is available at your fingertips!

User Manual Resources

About Manual provides free access to thousands of user manuals across a variety of niches, genres, and types. Regardless of the age or type of product, you’re searching for, we will have its user manual on About Manual. Furthermore, you will be able to find your user manual download quickly. We aim to provide a seamless user experience to everyone who visits About Manual for their free user manual downloads.

Free Index References

We also host thousands of cross-referenced, accurate, and true indexes. Our indexes go through a rigorous testing process to ensure that they are up-to-date, accurate, and informative. These indexes are meant to enhance your user experience by making it easy to find exact pieces of information as quickly as possible. We employ a team of experts who are consistently running quality assurance checks on all of our downloads, including the indexes that are hosted on our database. This is true of all our products, but indexes require extra fact-checking. Any inconsistencies should be reported to us as soon as they are found, so we can uphold our Mission Statement.

Installation Manual Repository

We host thousands of free installation manual downloads from world-class brands and services. Your software installation will be simplified when you are granted instant access to its installation manual. Our downloads are always free; you will never pay a cent for anything you download from About Manual. Instead, we are focused on giving you the information you need to make the most out of your product, service, or software.

Mission Statement

About Manual provides critical information to users about the products, services, and software they purchase at their fingertips. Thousands of user manuals, installation manuals, and indexes are available to be downloaded for free. Our downloads should never take more than five minutes to complete. Everything we do is designed to simplify the life of our users. Our customer service-oriented team ensures that each inquiry is responded to in the order it is received. We hope to grow, serve, and educate our users for decades to come. We believe that everyone deserves easy access to information that is important to them, and we will continue to provide that information to the best of our ability.